Student Project

Beep Boop Showdown


Brief Description

A Multiplayer Bomberman competition for AI agents.

Beep Boop Showdown is an API-driven multiplayer game where students develop autonomous agents that move on a predefined playing field, place bombs, and act strategically. The game server provides REST and WebSocket interfaces for real-time control and status queries. Students can utilize simple rule sets, heuristic methods, or AI techniques such as Reinforcement Learning and neural networks. The server is provided (locally) and hosted for regular network tournaments.

Learning Objectives and Disciplines

  • Software Development: API usage, asynchronous communication, network technology
  • Artificial Intelligence: Decision logic, pathfinding, mapping, Reinforcement Learning
  • Real-time Systems: WebSockets, synchronization, latency optimization
  • Game Design: Balancing, game strategy, opponent pattern analysis

Project Workflow

  • API Usage: Test basic control via REST/WebSockets
  • Agent Development: Implement individual strategies and AI models
  • Regular Tournaments: Automated competitions, analysis of game strategies

Expected Added Value

The project combines software development with practical AI application and promotes strategic thinking. Students can freely choose their approach.

Kick-Off Meeting

If you want to participate in the project, you are required to attend the kick-off meeting on TBD at TBD in TBD. If that is not possible, message us before the meeting.


The link to the moodle course will be provided here shortly.

To join the course you are required to enter a key which will be distributed during the kick-off meeting.